When allegations of misconduct have been investigated and the allegations are substantiated, the Office of Human Resources (OHR) in the Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance takes decisions concerning disciplinary measures for civilian personnel. Matters involving United Nations Volunteers (UNVs) are considered by the UNV Disciplinary Panel. Depending on the nature of the misconduct, action against civilian personnel can range from a reprimand to dismissal. Matters related to contractors and vendors are referred to the Procurement Division of the Department of Operational Support, or the mission, depending on which entity oversees the contract in question.
When allegations of serious misconduct involving military and police personnel are substantiated, the United Nations may repatriate the individuals concerned on disciplinary grounds and ban them from future participation in peacekeeping operations. Disciplinary sanctions and any other judicial actions, which may include criminal accountability or civil accountability related to child support, remain the responsibility of the national jurisdiction of the individual involved. Member States are required to keep the Secretariat informed of the progress and outcome of investigations, as well as of any disciplinary or administrative action taken at the national level.
When allegations that do not amount to serious misconduct are substantiated, administrative action can be taken at the mission level. Such actions can include giving a verbal warning or issuing a letter of reprimand.