Good practices on conduct and discipline

Through his Action for Peacekeeping initiative (A4P), UN Secretary-General has called on Member States, the Security Council, host countries, troop- and police- contributing countries, regional partners and financial contributors to renew our collective engagement with UN peacekeeping and mutually commit to reach for excellence. The A4P Declaration sets out the commitment of the Member States and the Secretariat to "hold personnel and leadership accountable for proper conduct, including through support to the UN zero-tolerance policy with its victims centered approach on all forms of sexual exploitation and abuse".

In the next phase of the initiative, Action for Peacekeeping Plus (A4P+), UN Secretary-General has called for a continuation of efforts to prevent and respond to misconduct, including by actively addressing accountability with concerned Member States and pursuing a victim-centred approach, particularly with regard to victims of sexual exploitation and abuse and advancing paternity and child support claims.   

High-Level Meeting on Strengthening the Conduct of Peacekeeping Personnel: Sharing Good Practices (28 June 2021)

  • Member States have integrated and institutionalized good practices into national legislative frameworks and procedures and also implemented new and innovative measures.
  • In order to build on these efforts, the Secretariat convened a High-Level Meeting to discuss Member States good practices and lessons learned in upholding the United Nations standard of conduct.
  • Member States were invited to participate and share good practices in the areas of prevention of all types of misconduct, enforcement of the United Nations’ standards of conduct, and provision of support to victims of sexual exploitation and abuse their countries have implemented.

To know more about the meeting, you can view the following resources:



National Investigation Officers

Australia and United States of America

Enhancing capacity of National Investigation Officers (NIO) through Training of Trainers


Community outreach to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse 


Process to ensure effective national investigations
and joint investigations with the Office of Internal Oversight Services


Role of training in strengthening conduct of


Responsive risk management through after
action reviews of misconduct ​


Measures to ensure effective command and
control for military and police personnel​

South Africa

Accountability and transparency through
military justice, including court-martial

South Africa

Collection of DNA samples to process
paternity and child support claims

Trust Fund

Assistance and support to victims of
sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) and
children born of SEA

Member States are welcome to continue to submit good practices by contacting Conduct and Discipline Service at