Haiti: MINUJUSTH police called to carry the ‘No Excuse’ pocket card on sexual exploitation and abuse
On 13 December 2017, Brig. Gen. Georges-Pierre Monchotte, the United Nations Mission for Justice in Haiti (MINUJUSTH) Police Commissioner, gathered his section chiefs, heads of the Formed Police Units (FPU), contingent chiefs and members of the Women’s Police Network to hand out pocket cards on sexual exploitation and abuse prevention.
During the meeting held at the UN Police Headquarters in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince, Brig. Gen. Monchotte raised awareness among his personnel on the consequences of these “unacceptable and prohibited acts”. “Sexual exploitation and abuse will not be tolerated and will be harshly sanctioned”, emphasised the General, who also called on his personnel to apply common sense and uphold ethics in their daily job - “a job done with pride and dedication”, he added.
The MINUJUSTH Police Chief also urged his fellow policewomen and men to uphold their obligation to sensitize those under their command through the distribution of the No Excuse pocket cards. “As per its name, you must carry this card in your pocket at all times, as a reminder of our obligations and prohibitions”, urged Brig. Gen. Monchotte.
The pocket cards are printed and distributed to all UN peacekeeping personnel – whether they are police or civilian. They are available in a variety of languages spoken within MINUJUSTH so that everyone receives the same message: « There is no excuse ». The pocket cards also include a brief recap of the UN’s zero tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse as well as the hotline for the Mission’s Conduct and Discipline Team to allow for safe and anonymous reporting of allegations.
Sexual exploitation and abuse are contrary to values of the Organization and its efforts in support of the Haitian people and the authorities. “It is up to each and every one of us to ban such acts and lead by example”, Brig. Gen. Georges-Pierre Monchotte concluded.
Established on 16 October 2017 after the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) completed its mandate, MINUJUSTH is composed of 351 civilians and 1255 police including Formed Police Units and individual police officers.