Outreach campaigns on Mikado FM
MINUSMA is making use of radio for outreach and awareness raising campaigns in Mali. As part of its outreach activities for prevention of misconduct and sexual exploitation and abuse by the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), the Conduct and Discipline Team (CDT) in MINUSMA conducts large scale outreach campaigns for the local population and its own personnel all over Malian territory.
To ensure a wide dissemination of its key messages on UN standards of conduct, including the zero tolerance policy with respect to sexual exploitation and abuse, the CDT uses MIKADO FM’s radio broadcasting services, especially in the northern regions of the country where a large number of UN personnel are deployed.
More than 60% of the population of Mali can neither read nor write foreign languages or French, the official language of the country. This makes radio the main and most effective means of mass communication and information. Accordingly, the CDT has made radio campaigns a focus of its outreach activities. It organises outreach programmes on local and/or community radios in Bamako with national or international coverage. MIKADO FM of MINUSMA broadcasts in French and in the most common local languages in Mali: Bambara, Sonrhaï, Fulani, Tamasheq, and Arabic. Since MIKADO started broadcasting in 2015, the CDT has regularly participated in debate programmes on the air, offering listeners the opportunity to call and ask questions and give their opinion on the conduct of MINUSMA personnel.
MIKADO and the CDT have collaborated on a number of major events, including the observance of the "Global Day against Violence against Women and Girls" earmarking the launch of the "Sixteen (16) Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence" that took place from 25 November to 10 December. On this occasion the CDT delivered a briefing on its mandate and related activities and invited listeners to interact on UN standards of conduct on the air. In addition to radio debates, CDT spot messages such as « No sex or sexual favours for aid or assistance » are broadcast on MIKADO FM. With a large number of calls received during and after each show, radio programmes in which the CDT has participated have been extremely popular and effective as a result of the wide dissemination of information on misconduct reporting mechanisms.